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Eclipse in Action: A Guide for Web Developers
by David Gallardo, Ed Burnette and Robert McGovern
Copyright 2003 Manning Publications
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Getting started with the Eclipse Workbench
Chapter 3
The Java development cycle: test, code, repeat
Chapter 4
Working with source code in Eclipse
Chapter 5
Building with Ant
Chapter 6
Source control with CVS
Chapter 7
Web development tools
Chapter 8
Introduction to Eclipse plug-ins
Chapter 9
Working with plug-ins in Eclipse
Appendix A
Java perspective menu reference
Appendix B
CVS installation procedures
Appendix C
Plug-in extension points
Appendix D
Introduction to SWT
Appendix E
Introduction to JFace
In this chapter…

A brief history of Eclipse

The Eclipse.org consortium

An overview of Eclipse and its design

A peek at the future
Many blacksmiths take pride in making their own tools. When first starting out
in the trade, or when undertaking a job that has special requirements, making
new tools is the first step. Using forge, anvil, and hammer, the blacksmith
repeats the cycle of heating, hammering, and cooling the steel until it becomes a
tool of exactly the right shape, size, and strength for the job at hand.
Software development seems like a clean and abstract process when com-
pared to the visceral force and heat of blacksmithing. But what code has in com-
mon with metal (at least at high temperatures) is malleability: With sufficient
skill and effort, you can bang code or steel into a finely honed tool or a massive
architectural wonder.
Eclipse is the software developer’s equivalent to the blacksmith’s workshop,
initially equipped with forge, anvil, and hammer. Just as the blacksmith might
use his existing tools to make a new tool, perhaps a pair of tongs, you can use
Eclipse to build new tools for developing software—tools that extend the func-
tionality of Eclipse. One of Eclipse’s distinguishing features is its extensibility.
But don’t be put off by this do-it-yourself ethos; you don’t need to build your
own tools to take full advantage of Eclipse. You may not even need any new tools;
Eclipse comes with a fully featured Java development environment, including a
source-level debugger. In addition, because of Eclipse’s popularity and its open-
source nature, many specialized tools (built for Eclipse, using Eclipse) are
already freely available (some of which you’ll be introduced to in this book), and
many more are on the way.
1.1 Where Eclipse came from
It would be incredible for a software development environment as full-featured
and mature as Eclipse to appear out of the blue. But that is what seemed to have
happened when version 1.0 was released in November 2001. Naturally, there was
some carping about the approach Eclipse took and the features it lacked. Since
the days of emacs, one of the two most popular sports among developers has
been debating which development environment is the best. (The other is debat-
ing which operating system is the best.) Surprisingly, there was little of the usual
contentiousness this time. The consensus seemed to be that Eclipse was almost,
but not quite there yet; what version 1.0 product is?
Some companies are famously known for not getting things right until ver-
sion 3.0 (and even then you’re well advised to wait for 3.1, so the serious bugs get
shaken out). But though Eclipse 1.0 lacked some features and didn’t quite accom-
modate everyone’s way of working, it was apparent that Eclipse got things right.
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