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Mothers-To-BebyLynne Graham, et alAcclaim for Lynne Graham, EmmaDarcy and Leigh Michaels About Lynne Graham "Lynne Graham's strong-willed,hard-loving characters are the sensual stuff dreams are made of."--Romantic Times About Emma Darcy "Emma Darcy dishes up a spicy readingexperience."--Romantic Times About Leigh Michaels "Leigh Michaels gives fans a wonderfulreading experience."--Romantic Times Mothers-To-BePRISONER OF PASSIONby Lynne Graham THE LAST GRAND PASSION by Emma DarcySAFE IN MY HEARTby Leigh MichaelsMILLS BOONDID YOU PURCHASE THIS BOOK WITHOUT A COVER?If you did, you should be aware it is stolen property as it was reportedunsoM and destroyed by a retailer. Neither the author nor the publisher hasreceived any payment for this book.All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination ofthe author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same nameor names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known orunknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.All Rights Reserved including the right of reproduction in whole or in partin any form. This edition is published by arrangement with HarlequinEnterprises H B. V. The text of this publication or any part thereof maynot be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, storage in an informationretrieval system, or otherwise, without the written permission of thepublisher.This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of tradeor otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without theprior consent of the publisher in any form of binding or cover other thanthat in which it is published and without a similar condition including thiscondition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.MILLS & BOON and MILLS & BOON with the Rose Device are registered trademarksof the publisher.Harlequin Mills & Boon Limited, Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond,Surrey, TW9 1SR by Harlequin Enterprises II B. V. " 1999 Prisoner ofPassion, The Last Grand Passion and Safe in My Heart were first published inGreat Britain by Mills & Boon Limited in separate, single volumes.Prisoner of Passion Lynne Graham 1996 The Last Grand Passion Emma Darcy 1993Safe in My Heart Leigh Michaels 1993ISBN 0 263 81543 9Printed and bound in Spain by Litografia Rosds S. A. " Barcelona was bornin Northern Ireland and has been a keen Mills & Boon reader since her teens.She is very happily married with an understanding husband, who has learned tocook since she started to write! Her three children keep her on her toes.She has a very large old English sheepdog, which knocks everything over, andtwo cats.When time allows, she is a keen gardener.Lynne has been writing for Mills & Boon since 1987 and has now written over25 books, which are loved by readers worldwide--she has had more than 10million copies of her books in print, in many different languages.byL GRAHAMCHAPTER ONEHEADS turned when Bella walked down the street. Her rippling mane of Titiancurls, her incredibly long legs and her outrageous hotchpotch of colourfulclothes caught the eye. But it was her prowling, graceful stride and thelight of vibrant energy in her face which made the attention linger. Bellaalways looked as if she knew exactly where she was going.She lifted the public phone off the hook and punched in the number."Griff?""B ella, I'm so sorry.." something's come up," he groaned. " I have to goback into the office. ""But--' Her clear eyes froze as she heard a woman giggling somewhere in thebackground. Griff went on talking, although there was a similar catch ofamusement in his voice. Apologising, he assured her that he would be intouch.Five minutes later Bella was back in the wine bar with her friends."Where have you been?" Liz hissed, under cover of the animated conversation."Calling Griff...""You mean he's not on his way yet?"Bella gave a careless shrug."He's let you down, hasn't he?" her friend said bluntly. Bella didn't trustherself to speak. And the very last thing she needed right now was a lectureon the subject of Griff Atherton, who was everything Gramps had ever told herto look out for in a man but who was inexplicably as unreliable as they came,in spite of his good education, steady job and stable family background."You really know how to pick them," Liz lamented."Why do you always latch on to the creeps?""He's not a creep.""It's your birthday. Where is he?"Bella shed her battered cerise suede fringed jacket and crossed her legsbelow the feathered hem of her minuscule new chiffon skirt, covertlyattempting to stretch it to a more reasonable length. Liz had bought theskirt for her birthday. It was far too short but she had to be seen to wearit at least this once."So what was Griff the Glib's excuse this time?""Wow, look at those wheels!" Bella exclaimed hurriedly, keen for a change ofsubject. She craned her neck to gaze out at the gleaming silver sports cardrawing up outside the five-star hotel on the other side of the street."That's a Bugatti Supersport.""A what?" Obediently distracted, Liz peered without a lot of interest andthen gasped."Look who's getting out of it! Now that is what I call--' " Fabulousengineering. " Bella was eyeing the sleek lines of the powerful car, not thedriver with his smouldering, dark good looks.Bella preferred blonds."I haven't heard Rico da Silva described in quite those terms before.""Who?""If you ever put your nose inside a serious newspaper, you'd recognise himtoo. He's absolutely gorgeous, isn't he?" Liz looked rapt."He's also single and loaded!""He has a beautiful set of wheels. Is he into motors?""He's an international financier. The local paper did a profile on him,"Liz told her."He owns a fabulous country estate just outside town. He spent millionsrenovating it."Bella grimaced. Finance . money . banks. She never went into a bank ifshe could help it, didn't even own a cheque book. People who wheeled anddealed in money and profit made her skin crawl. A faceless smoothie from Ia bank had pushed Gramps' business to the wall and put him into a prematuregrave."That's his current lady," Liz murmured as a beautiful blonde woman swathedin fur emerged from the hotel.Tall, dark and handsome with the little woman. Bella wasn't in the mood tobe generous. They looked like some impossibly perfect couple from a glossymagazine. His and hers matching glamour. They had that aura ofuntouchability which only the seriously rich exuded. It was there like aglass wall between them and the rest of the human race.A clump of pedestrians stopped to let them pass in a direct path to theBugatti. They took it as their due."How the other half lives," Liz sighed with un hidden envy."Time we got this party off the ground!" Bella stood up, spread abrilliantly bright smile round her assembled friends, and switched intoextrovert mode.Dammit, where was the turn-off? Bella called herself a fool for not stayingthe night with Liz as she had originally planned, but Liz had been in themood to preach and Bella hadn't been in the mood to listen. Now it was threein the morning. The roads were deserted. And somehow she had got lost.There it was! Jumping on the brakes, Bella swung into a frantic last-minuteturn. As she made it Sa gigantic yawn engulfed her taut facial muscles. Asshe emerged from it, rubbing at her sleepy eyes, another car appeareddirectly in the path of her headlights.With a shriek of horror Bella barely had time to brace herself before impact.The jolt of the crash shuddered through her entire body, the sickening noiseof buckling metal almost deafening her. Then there was a terrible silence.Fast to react, Bella's first thought was for the other driver. Herwindscreen was smashed. She couldn't see a thing. She lurched out of theSkoda on legs that felt like jellied eels.A hand clamped round her slim shoulder."Are you hurt? Have you passengers?""No!" Taken aback by someone with even faster reactions than her own, Bellahovered in the biting wind tunnelling down the street as the powerful headand shoulders ducked into the cluttered interior of her car, which moreclosely resembled a travelling dustbin than a vehicle. Her teeth chatteredwith shock, her aghast attention logged onto the truly appalling amount ofdamage done to her car. The whole bonnet was wrecked."You madman!" she burst out helplessly."What were you doing on the wrong side of the road?"The large presence straightened. Bella was not small and she was wearingvery high heels, but the male beside her still towered above her. In thestreetlight his hard, dark features were as unyielding as hewn granite."What was I doing?" he repeated in a raw tone of disbelief, and this timeshe caught the foreign inflexion, the thickness of an accent that wascertainly not British."Did you forget we drive on the left here?" Bella asked furiously."You stupid bitch ... you're on a one-way street!" With that he strode backto his own car.A one-way street? About to open her mouth and loudly disclaim thatridiculous assertion at the same time as she asked him who the hell hethought he was calling a stupid bitch, Bella looked back to the corner andsaw the sign. A one-way street. She had turned right into ... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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