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Adolf Hitler, born April 20, 1889, in Braunau-on-the-Inn, Austria,
refused to surrender
and died on April 29, 1945 in Berlin, Germany.
"And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator.
In standing guard against the Jew I am defending the handiwork of the Lord."
Publishers since 1812
This translation of the unexpurgated edition of "Mein Kampf "
was first published on March 21st, 1939
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Volume I:
ORGANIZATION OF THE STORM TROOPSfile:///F|/Irving/Mein Kampf/mein kampf first.htm (2 of 5) [04/06/2000 16:01:11]
Foot Notes:
1) In order to understand the reference here, and similar references in later portions of Mein Kampf,
the following must be borne in mind:
From 1792 to 1814 the French Revolutionary Armies overran Germany. In 1800 Bavaria shared in the
Austrian defeat at Hohenlinden and the French occupied Munich. In 1805 the Bavarian Elector was
made King of Bavaria by Napoleon and stipulated to back up Napoleon in all his wars with a force of
30,000 men. Thus Bavaria became the absolute vassal of the French. This was The Time of Germany
s Deepest Humiliation, Which is referred to again and again by Hitler.
In 1806 a pamphlet entitled Germanys Deepest Humiliation was published in South Germany.
Amnng those who helped to circulate the pamphlet was the Nürnberg bookseller, Johannes Philipp
Palm. He was denounced to the French by a Bavarian police agent. At his trial he refused to disclose
the name of the author. By Napoleons orders, he was shot at Braunau-on-the-Inn on August 26th,
1806. A monument erected to him on the site of the execution was one of the first public objects that
made an impression on Hitler as a little boy.
Leo Schlageters case was in many respects parallel to that of Johannes Palm. Schlageter was a
German theological student who volunteered for service in 1914. He became an artillery officer and
won the Iron Cross of both classes. When the French occupied the Ruhr in 1923 Schlageter helped to
organize the passive resistance on the German side. He and his companions blew up a railway bridge
for the purpose of making the transport of coal to France more difficult.
Those who took part in the affair were denounced to the French by a German informer. Schlageter
took the whole responsibility on his own shoulders and was condemned to death, his companions
being sentenced to various terms of imprisonment and penal servitude by the French Court. Schlageter
refused to disclose the identity of those who issued the order to blow up the railway bridge and he
would not plead for mercy before a French Court. He was shot by a French firing-squad on May 26th,
1923. Severing was at that time German Minister of the Interior. It is said that representations were
made, to him on Schlageters behalf and that he refused to interfere.
Schlageter has become the chief martyr of the German resistancc to the French occupation of the Ruhr
and also one of the great heroes of the National Socialist Movement. He had joined the Movement at a
very early stage, his card of membership bearing the number 61.
2) Non-classical secondary school. The Lyceum and Gymnasium were classical or semiclassical
secondary schools.
3) See Translators Introduction.
4) When Francis II had laid down his title as Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire of the German
Nation, which he did at the command of Napoleon, the Crown and Mace, as the Imperial Insignia,
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were kept in Vienna. After the German Empire was refounded, in 1871, under William I, there were
many demands to have the Insignia transferred to Berlin. But these went unheeded. Hitler had them
brought to Germany after the Austrian Anschluss and displayed at Nuremberg during the Party
Congress in September 1938.
5) The Phaecians were a legendary people, mentioned in Homers Odyssey. They were supposed to
live on some unknown island in the Eastern Mediterranean, sometimes suggested to be Corcyra, the
modern Corfu. They loved good living more than work, and so the name Phaecian has come to be a
synonym for parasite.
Spottgeburt von Dreck und Feuer
. This is the epithet that Faust hurls at Mephistopheles as the latter
intrudes on the conversation between Faust and Martha in the garden: Mephistopheles: Thou, full of
sensual, super-sensual desire, A girl by the nose is leading thee. Faust: Abortion, thou of filth and fire.
7) Herodotus (Book VII, 213218) tells the story of how a Greek traitor, Ephialtes, helped the Persian
invaders at the Battle of Thermopylae (480 B.C.) When the Persian King, Xerxes, had begun to
despair of being able to break through the Greek defence, Ephialtes came to him and, on being
promised a definite payment, told the King of a pathway over the shoulder of the mountain to the
Greek end of the Pass. The bargain being clinched, Ephialtes led a detachment of the Persian troops
under General Hydarnes over the mountain pathway. Thus taken in the rear, the Greek defenders,
under Leonidas, King of Sparta, had to fight in two opposite directions within the narrow pass.
Terrible slaughter ensued and Leonidas fell in the thick of the fighting.
The bravery of Leonidas and the treason of Ephialtes impressed Hitler, as it does almost every
schoolboy. The incident is referred to again in Mein Kampf (Chap. VIII, Vol. I), where Hitler
compares the German troops that fell in France and Flanders to the Greeks at Thermopylae, the
treachery of Ephialtes being suggested as the prototype of the defeatist policy of the German
politicians towards the end of the Great War.
8) German Austria was the East Mark on the South and East Prussia was the East Mark on the North.
9) Carlyle explains the epithet thus: "First then, let no one from the title Gehoernte (Horned,
Behorned), fancy that our brave Siegfried, who was the loveliest as well as the bravest of men, was
actually cornuted, and had horns on his brow, though like Michael Angelos Moses; or even that his
skin, to which the epithet Behorned refers, was hard like a crocodiles, and not softer than the softest
shamey, for the truth is, his Hornedness means only an Invulnerability, like that of Achilles&"
10) Lines quoted from the Song of the Curassiers in Schillers Wallenstein.
11) The Second Infantry Bavarian Regiment, in which Hitler served as a volunteer.
12) Schwabing is the artistic quarter in Munich where artists have their studios and litterateurs,
especially of the Bohemian class, foregather.
13) Here again we have the defenders of Thermopylæ recalled as the prototype of German valour in
the Great War. Hitlers quotation is a German variant of the couplet inscribed on the monument
erected at Thermopylæ to the memory of Leonidas and his Spartan soldiers who fell defending the
Pass. As given by Herodotus, who claims that he saw the inscription himself, the original text may be
literally translated thus:
Go, tell the Spartans, thou who passeth by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
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14)Swedish Chancellor who took over the reins of Government after the death of Gustavus Adolphus
15) When Mephistopheles first appears to Faust, in the latters study, Faust inquires: "What is thy
name?" To which Mephistopheles replies: "A part of the Power which always wills the Bad and
always works the Good." And when Faust asks him what is meant by this riddle and why he should
call himself a part, the gist of Mephistopheles reply is that he is the Spirit of Negation and exists
through opposition to the positive Truth and Order and Beauty which proceed from the never-ending
creative energy of the Deity. In the Prologue to Faust the Lord declares that mans active nature would
grow sluggish in working the good and that therefore he has to be aroused by the Spirit of Opposition.
This Spirit wills the Bad, but of itself it can do nothing positive, and by its opposition always works
the opposite of what it wills.
16) The last and most famous of the medieval alchemists. He was born at Basle about the year 1490
and died at Salzburg in 1541. He taught that all metals could be transmuted through the action of one
primary element common to them all. This element he called Alcahest. If it could be found it would
prove to be at once the philosophers stone, the universal medicine and the irresistible solvent. There
are many aspects of his teaching which are now looked upon as by no means so fantastic as they were
considered in his own time.
17) The Battle of Leipzig (1813), where the Germans inflicted an overwhelming defeat on Napoleon,
was the decisive event which put an end to the French occupation of Germany.
The occupation had lasted about twenty years. After the Great War, and the partial occupation of
Germany once again by French forces, the Germans used to celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of
Leipzig as a symbol of their yearning.
18) The flag of the German Empire, founded in 1871, was Black-White-Red. This was discarded in
1918 and Black-Red-Gold was chosen as the flag of the German Republic founded at Weimar in
1919. The flag designed by Hitler red with a white disc in the centre, bearing the black swastika is
now the national flag.
19) After the debacle of 1918 several semi-military associations were formed by demobilized officers
who had fought at the Front. These were semi-clandestine associations and were known as Freikorps
(Volunteer corps). Their principal purpose was to act as rallying centres for the old nationalist
20) Schiller, who wrote the famous drama of William Tell.
21) The reference here is to those who gave information to the Allied Commissions about hidden
stores of arms in Germany.
22) Before 1918 Germany was a federal Empire, composed of twenty-five federal states.
23) Probably the author has two separate incidents in mind. The first happened in 390 B.C., when, as
the victorious Gauls descended on Rome, the Senators ordered their ivory chairs to be placed in the
Forum before the Temples of the Gods. There, clad in their robes of state, they awaited the invader,
hoping to save the city by sacrificing themselves. This noble gesture failed for the time being; but it
had an inspiring influence on subsequent generations. The second incident, which has more historical
authenticity, occurred after the Roman defeat at Cannae in 216 B.C. On that occasion Varro, the
Roman commander, who, though in great part responsible for the disaster, made an effort to carry on
the struggle, was, on his return to Rome, met by the citizens of all ranks and publicly thanked because
he had not despaired of the Republic. The consequence was that the Republic refused to make peace
with the victorious Carthagenians.
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