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STAR WARS: DARK EMPIREAUDIO ADAPTATION TRANSCRIPTBased on an audio adaptation of "Star Wars: Dark Empire," asix-issue comic book miniseries published by Dark HorseComics in 1991. Audio Adaptation produced by HighbridgeAudio, Inc.Comic version written by Tom VeitchAudio version adapted by John WhitmanA long time ago,in a galaxy far, faraway......NARRATOR: Star Wars: Dark Empire.Music: Star Wars Main Theme.NARRATOR:Following the deaths of Darth Vader and the Emperor and thedestruction of the second Death Star, the Rebel Allianceproclaimed a New Republic over three-fourths of the galaxy.But without the thousands of Jedi Knights who formed thebackbone of the Old Republic, the new confederation was aprecarious one. Long years of struggle followed, duringwhich Imperial factions gained control over a fourth of theGalaxy. Whole systems became fortresses, bristling withfirepower.Then, five years after the Battle of Endor, the infamousGrand Admiral Thrawn mounted a terrible assault, nearlybringing the fledgling Republic to its knees. Ultimately,Thrawn was defeated. But within days of his downfall,surviving members of the Emperor's Ruling Circle staged astunning assault on the Emperor's throneworld, a planetcalled Coruscant, and that vital system once again fellunder Imperial control.It seemed certain that a new Empire was about to emerge fromthe ashes of the old. That very possibility triggered aferocious civil war among the numerous Imperial factions.Who would sit in the Emperor's throne? Who had the right--and the might?Meanwhile, the Rebels were quick to seize the opportunity tosow confusion among the feuding Imperials, using twocaptured Star Destroyers to stage hit-and-run sorties intothe war zones.One such raid, over the raging Imperial City battleground,ended in disaster: The Alliance Star Destroyer Liberator,commanded by Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian, crash-landed on the planet's surface. As our story opens, PrincessLeia Organa and her husband Han Solo have left their twochildren in safekeeping, and together with the WookieeChewbacca and the protocol droid C3P0, are on a daringmission to rescue their fallen comrades.....SCENE 1-1 INT. MILLENIUM FALCON COCKPIT=====================================================Sound: The roar of the Falcon's engines. An alarm goes off.LEIA: Han, the navicomputer just reported extreme turbulenceat our reentry coordinates over the Imperial City!HAN: That'll be battle debris, Leia! The whole Imperialsector is littered with it! Warn the other ships!Sound: Intercom activates.LEIA: This is the Millenium Falcon. Rebel Star, Antares Six,do you copy?CAPTAIN SNUNB: We copy you, Millenium Falcon. Antares Sixhere.CAPTAIN NEVA: Rebel Star here, over.LEIA: We're coming up on some spatial distortions ahead. Ourscanners show lots of orbital wreckage. Stay sharp--thosebig Frigates you're flying aren't as manueverable as theFalcon.CAPTAIN SNUNB: We copy that, Falcon. We're right behind you.HAN: Chewie, get ready to cut in the sublight engines.Energize repulsorlifts. Prepare to exit hyperspace.CHEWBACCA: ROARS IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.THREEPIO: Sir, the odds of collision with that amount ofspacial debris are 3,722 to 1....if I may suggest--HAN:Chewie, watch your thrusters!CHEWBACCA: ROARS.HAN: And remind me to crosswire Threepio's voice synthesizerwhen we get back to base.THREEPIO: But sir, if I may say so--LEIA: Threepio, sit down! Five seconds to reentry!Four.....three....two.....Sound: The Falcon leaves hyperspace.HAN: Starship wreckage dead ahead!! Bank right!Sound: The Falcon swerves to avoid collision.CHEWBACCA: GRUMBLES.HAN: I see it, I see it, Chewie. Lucky I just brought theFalcon's thrusters up to maximum specs, or we'd be slicedand diced like space slugs in a servo.LEIA: (awed) There must be hundreds of wrecked ships outhere. The battle must have been incredible.HAN: Leia, the other ships are coming out of hyperspace.Those big Frigates'll never get through this wreckage.Sound: Leia activates the intercom again.LEIA: Rebel Star, Antares Six, this is the Falcon. There istoo much debris here. Come around to 02. That's 02. You'llfind a gap in the wreckage.CAPTAIN NEVA: Negative, Millenium Falcon. We can make it, wecan--REBEL STAR OFFICER: Watch it--Maximum thrust!! HARD LEFT,HARD LEFT---Sound: A massive explosion as the Rebel Star collides with awreck and is blown to bits.CAPTAIN SNUNB: Millenium Falcon, Rebel Star just vanished ina ball of flame.....LEIA: Captain Neva's Frigate is hit!HAN: We've got to go back and help them--LEIA: (distant) It's too late......none of them survived.HAN: Are you sure?LEIA: Han.......I feel it. Through the Force. I'm sure.CAPTAIN SNUNB: Millenium Falcon, this is Antares Six. We'llstay and look for survivors. You go ahead after the others.HAN: Stand by, Antares Six. (turns off intercom.) Justgreat. Luke crashes a captured Star Destroyer, and we justlost a good Frigate crew....I knew this trip was a bad idea.LEIA: Han....HAN: What we really ought to do is take the Falcon outtowards the Galactic Core and investigate those rumors ofsuperweapons coming out of the Imperial sector.LEIA: They sent Admiral Ackbar to do that, Han. Besides,those are just rumors. Luke and Lando are in real trouble.HAN: They don't need us! If I know those guys, right aboutnow they've got the Imperials doing the Gamorrean two-step!LEIA: Han, we lost their signal! The distress beacon brokecontact at zero altitude!!CHEWBACCA: ROARS.HAN: Yeah, Chewie, you're right. You're both right. I'msorry I shot off my big mouth. (activates intercom.) Solo toAntares Six. Establish a docking orbit and prepare to searchfor survivors....we're going planetside.CAPTAIN SNUNB: Copy that, General Solo. We'll keep you onour tracking screens. Good luck looking for CommanderSkywalker.HAN: Yeah, wherever he is.Sound: The Falcon roars towards Coruscant.SCENE I-2 INT. EMPEROR'S PALACE==================================================Sound: Crunching rock and effort as Luke frees a doorway inthe Imperial Palace.LUKE: There. It's open.ARTOO: WHISTLES A BRIEF QUERY.LUKE: Yes Artoo, just as I thought. Some sort of secretpassageway, leading down from the Imperial Palace.Sound: Luke begins to walk (and Artoo to roll).LUKE: In all the years the Rebels occupied Coruscant, Ican't believe we never found this chamber.ARTOO: BEEPS OUT "WHEN?" .LUKE: Probably during the civil war. A laser blast orconcussion cannon--probably destroyed this whole panel. It'sdark......so dark........ARTOO: SUGGESTS USING HIS LIGHTS.LUKE: No thanks, Artoo. But it's not that kind of darkness.There's something.....something powerful here. Somethingdangerous, too. Artoo, lock that door into position.Whatever was down here was well hidden and well shielded.That's why I told Lando not to follow us.ARTOO: PROTESTS.LUKE: I know you don't detect any life-forms. These are theruins.....of the Emperor's Palace. It's been pretty muchdeserted since we evacuated during the civil war. (shivers)No, these are more like dangerous memories. Memories of.....Sound: A door opens automatically.LUKE:....my father.ARTOO: BLEEPS IN SURPRISE.LUKE: Yes, Artoo. Anakin Skywalker. But if he ever livedhere, he did so as Darth Vader. This whole place is......itresonates with the power of the Dark Side. Stay here, Artoo.See if you can power up that tech station. And get us somelight! I've got to have a look around.Sound: Artoo rolls off as Luke begins to walk around thechamber.LUKE: (more to himself than Artoo) I can still feel the DarkSide here. Like a cold hand--it's focus is very powerful. Iwish I knew why my father turned to the Dark Side. What didhe find there....?ARTOO: WHISTLES A YODELING SUMMONS.Sound: A holoprojector comes on.LUKE: Artoo, I wanted a light, not some old hologram!ARTOO: MOANS.LUKE: Wait--leave it on!!! That's an image of the Emperor~!What's he saying? C-can you boost the power?ARTOO: BEEPS IN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.EMPEROR: My attempts to create my own version of the devicecalled "the Jedi Holocron" have failed. I have resorted tothis crude device to record my discoveries of the Dark Side.LUKE: It is the Emperor!ARTOO: BLATTS IN DISGUST.LUKE: (strangely insistent) NO, Artoo, leave it on! (voicetrailing off) I...want....to listen......Sound: A low humming echoes through the next line, as if theDark Side itself was audible.EMPEROR: The Book of Anger, Chapter One.....SCENE 1-3 INT. MILLENIUM FALCON COCKPIT============================================Sound: The Falcon blasts through Coruscant's atmosphere.CHEWBACCA: WHINES.HAN: Okay, Chewie. Buckle up, everyone--we've hit a mildmagnetic storm in the upper atmosphere.LEIA: Han, I love you, but this ship is still a pile ofjunk!HAN: Yeah, well this "pile of junk" just saved us frombecoming one more piece of space garbage.LEIA: Maybe, but I'm getting pretty shaken up by thismagnetic storm.HAN: That's because you prefer my kind of magnetism.LEIA: Oh, Han......THREEPIO: Oh, sir, there seem to be--HAN: I see 'em, I see 'em!LEIA: What is it?HAN: Imperial TIE Fighters, going our way.Sound: Proximity alarm goes off. The roar of passing TIEFighters.HAN: Deflector shields up, Chewie!CHEWBACCA: AGREES, THEN MUTTERS IN CONFUSION.HAN: Yeah.....didn't even stop to say hello.LEIA: They must be joining forces with on... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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